During this first full month of summer Foodie Extravaganza is all about ice cream. We’re coming up with creative ice cream flavors for traditional ice cream, gelato, semi-freddo, and even popsicles!
We’ve been on a root beer kick lately with floats, shakes and Black Cow Cupcakes . Root beer barrels sneak into my purse and his pocket. Hmm, how did those get there?
Root Beer is a great flavor to enjoy as a cold ice cream treat. Crush a few root beer barrels and mix in and sprinkle on top for even more root beer goodness!
No cook and no eggs makes this a quicker version of creamy deliciousness!
Ice cream hint: whole milk or 2 percent added to the cream helps cut down on grainy texture. Skim milk produces more of an ice milk texture.
- 2 cups heavy cream
- 1 cup 2 percent milk
- 3/4 cup sugar
- 1 1/2 teaspoons root beer extract
- 1/2 teaspoon vanilla
- 6 root beer barrels crushed (optional)
- Whisk together cream, milk and sugar until sugar is dissolved.
- Add flavoring.
- Chill at least 2 hours before processing.
- Pour mix into ice cream maker. Add candy pieces just before ice cream is finished churning.
- Eat immediately or freeze for later.

Special thanks to Camilla Mann from Culinary Adventures with Camilla for hosting this event!
Posting day is always the first Wednesday of each month. If you are a blogger and would like to join our group and blog along with us, come join our Facebook page Foodie Extravaganza. We would love to have you! If you’re a spectator looking for delicious tid-bits check out our Foodie Extravaganza Pinterest Board!
Enjoy all these delicious summery ice cream treats from Foodie Extravaganza!
Here’s the Scoop!
Chocolate Malted Whopper Ice Cream by My Daylights
Crushed Pineapple Ice Cream by Food Lust People Love
Custard Cream & Strawberry Swirl No Churn Ice Cream by Baking in Pyjamas
Éma’a (Syrian Ice Cream) by Tara’s Multicultural Table
Fruity Fruit Popsicles by The Freshman Cook
Lemon Basil Ice Cream by Our Good Life
Lemongrass Ginger Coconut Ice Cream by The Joyful Foodie
Maple Bacon Ice Cream by Cooking With Carlee
No-Churn Chopped Macaron Vanilla Bean Ice Cream by Rhubarb and Honey
No Churn Mint Chocolate Chip Ice Cream by Fearlessly Creative Mammas
No Churn Reese’s Chocolate Peanut Butter Ice Cream by NinjaBaker.com
Oat and Dulce de Leche Swirl Ice Cream by Passion Kneaded
Peach Cobbler Ice Cream by Cherishing a Sweet Life
Rhubarb Ice Cream by From Gate to Plate
Root Beer Barrel Ice Cream by Cindy’s Recipes and Writings
Tahini and Lemon Curd Ice Cream
by Sew You Think You Can Cook
The Bees’ Knees Semifreddo by Culinary Adventures with Camilla
Pingback: 5 Bold Ice Cream Ideas to Beat the Heat
Pingback: #FoodieExtravaganza: Creative Ice Cream Flavor | Sew You Think You Can Cook
Pingback: Rhubarb Ice Cream #FoodieExtravaganza - From Gate to Plate
Pingback: Custard Cream & Strawberry Swirl No Churn Ice Cream #Foodie Extravaganza | Baking in Pyjamas
Pingback: Lemongrass Ginger Coconut Ice Cream - The Joyful Foodie
Pingback: No Churn Mint Chocolate Chip Ice Cream - Fearlessly Creative Mammas
Pingback: No-Churn Chopped Macaron Vanilla Bean Ice Cream
Pingback: #FoodieExtravaganza Creative Ice Cream Flavors: Éma’a (Syrian Ice Cream) | Tara's Multicultural Table