What a great party last week and you guys are going to LOVE what we have for you THIS week!
First, Thanks again to everyone who keeps coming out to support us. We LOVE seeing all your recipes.
NOW… This week is sponsored by the very talented Origami Owl. Up for grabs for 3 lucky winners are some custom jewelry pieces perfect for Valentines Day!
Enter to WIN here:
Please take some time to visit our Co-Hosts this week:
Foodie Friends Friday http://www.foodiefriendsfriday.com
Tracy at Busy Vegetarian Mom http://www.busyvegetarianmom.com
Robyn’s View http://www.robynsview.com
Marlys at This and That http://marlys-thisandthat.blogspot.com/
Lois at Walking on Sunshine http://walkingonsunshinerecipes.com
Michelle at From Calculus to Cupcakes http://www.fromcalculustocupcakes.com
Cynthia at Feeding Big http://www.feedingbig.com
Jodie at Binomial Baker http://www.binomialbaker.blogspot.com
R Dawn at Spatulas on Parade http://www.spatulasonparade.blogspot.com
Angie at A lil Country Sugar http://www.alilcountrysugar.blogspot.com
Kelly at http://www.adornedwell.blogspot.com/
Cindy at Cindy’s Recipes and Writings: : http://www.cindysrecipesandwritings.com
Joanne at Winelady Cooks: http://www.wineladycooks.blogspot.com
Marlene at Nosh My Way: http://www.noshmyway.com
Jutta at Hungry Little Girl: http://www.hungrylittlegirl.com/
Erika at Chef Picky Kid: http://www.chefpickykid.com/
Did you see our winners from last week? Here they are again one more time!